Well, I am having trouble with the pictures, so they are at the beginning of the blog instead of the middle where I wanted them. Oh well!
Belly Pic- 16 wks

Belly Pic- 15 wks

Belly pic- 14 wks
Well, we've made it to sixteen weeks. Only one more month and we get to have another ultrasound and hopefully find out if we are going to be seeing pink or blue. I am so excited about this appointment! My parents are going to be in town for part of the week, and my mom is going to get to see her first grandbaby with us! I think she's almost as excited as we are! So, the countdown begins to July 2!
We have been taking some belly pics the last few weeks. Up until this past Tuesday, it was not really noticeable that I was even pregnant. Then I woke up Tuesday morning and there it was...a little bump! I am sure I sound crazy (and I'll regret saying this in a few months), but I am so ready to be showing. I am tired of being in between sizes. My regular clothes are getting tighter and maternity clothes are still too big. I just want clothes that fit!
Our last doctor's appointment was pretty exciting because we listened to our little one's heartbeat again. This time it was loud enough for us to record the sweet little notes. Heartbeat is strong and was about 160 beats per minute. It is so surreal!
We are getting so excited with each passing day. Time is actually moving pretty fast so far. Thankfully! Just a few more weeks and we will be half way there! We have several friends due within the month. It just makes things even more exciting! We held a couple of our good friends' little girl this weekend. She was born on Saturday, and we were able to visit on Sunday. I just loved watching Josh sitting and holding her. Such a sweet sight! He is going to be an amazing daddy!
Well that's about all the excitement we have been having. We are currently working on cleaning out our spare bedroom to make room for baby items. We are still curious how Katie is going to act when we bring another family member home. I think she may be a little jealous! She is so used to getting all of our attention, so she will be in for a rude awakening. However, I think she will end of being very protective of the baby, but I guess we will have to wait and see.
Well, until next time, hope everyone is healthy and happy!